Patient's Rights and Responsibilities

We at Bekaa Hospital commit to respect and protect patient’s rights and maintain their dignity through continuous communication and providing patient care without any discrimination of race, gender, nationality, age, religious, cultural, social and political beliefs

We at the hospital rely on speed and efficiency to provide quality treatment required by the patient's condition.

  1. Patients’ Rights:

Our patient has the Right to:

  1. Know the name and the identity and competence of the people who provide services to him, and the doctor who is directly responsible for the care of the patient.
  2. Get full information regarding diagnosis, treatment and the prognosis in a way he can understand.
  3. Get full information on the treatment and the expected benefits in addition to the alternative treatment options with an explanation of the expected complications and side effects.
  4. Refuse treatment , within the law limits, on the condition that he is informed of the medical consequences of such refusal and that he  signs theform “ Leave against Medical Advise” to release  the doctor and the hospital from the responsibility of the refusal of  treatment.
  5.  The appointment of a guardian to take the appropriate decisions to treatment and medical work.
  6. Have privacy and conduct discussions, and medical consultations related to his condition in a conservative manner.
  7. Keep his medical file confidential with the latter the right to obtain a medical report and a copy of the file report in order to keep it or transfer it to another physician.
  8. Receive palliative care and psychological and spiritual support in the event of a terminal illness.
  9. Obtain additional consultations regarding his treatment with the knowledge that additional costs may result.
  10. Transfer to another hospital or home health care at his request or when medical necessity requires with a full explanation of the reason for the transfer and coordination with the other institution to such transfer.
  11.  Report of complaints about the treatment and care provided either directly or through the mechanism adopted in the hospital without fear of conviction or penalty.
  12. Receive appropriate instructions to the patient's condition upon leaving the hospital.
  13. study the bill and receipt regardless of the guarrantor.


  1. Patients’ Responsibilities:

The patient has the dutyto:

  1. Respect the hospital and medical staff members in addition to the hospital's property.
  2. Follow the hospital rules and regulation to ensure the safety and comfort to all patients.
  3.  Respect the rights of other patients in in the room concerning privacy and quiet environment and Visits schedule.
  4. Comply with a non-smoking policy in the hospital.
  5. Provide the hospital with the required documents from the guarantors to facilitate the payment and discharge procedures.
  6. Keep a patient relative assisting him at night in case there is a need to or upon physician request.